One of the seven hills of Rome, and home to an elegant piazza laid out by Michelangelo.
One of the seven hills of Rome, and home to an elegant piazza laid out by Michelangelo.
Rione: Campitelli
The Campidoglio, the elegant square on top of the Capitoline Hill laid out by Michelangelo.
A statue representing the river Tiber. It originally represented the Tigris, and came from the Baths of Constantine on the Quirinal Hill.
The Capitoline Hill from across the Via dei Fori Imperiali.
Nuns on tour near the Capitoline Hill.
The Cordonata Capitolina, up towards the Campidoglio.
A group photo on the Cordonata Capitolina.
The top of the Cordonata Capitolina.
The forum and the Colosseum from the Capitoline Hill.
A wedding party descend the steps of the Basilica di Santa Maria in Ara coeli, the church at the top of the Capitoline Hill.
Wedding photos on the Campidoglio, on top of the Capitoline Hill.
St. Peter’s Basilica, glimpsed through a gap from the Capitoline Hill.
Looking from the Capitoline Hill past the Palatine Hill towards the Colosseum.
The Palazzo Senatorio, atop the Capitoline Hill; in the distance, the Circus Maximus, the Aventine Hill, and the gas holder of Testaccio.