A large, lush, green square near Termini station. The area around it is home to a vibrant and bustling multicultural community.
A large, lush, green square near Termini station. The area around it is home to a vibrant and bustling multicultural community.
Rione: Esquilino
Bar do Brasil on the Via di San Vito marks the start, as you walk eastwards, of what begins to feel like Piazza Vittorio; modern and multiethnic.
The Arch of Gallieneus, which was once part of the Servian Wall that was built by Rome’s sixth king, Servius Tullius, and that formed the boundary of the city until the third century AD.
The Via di San Vito, known in ancient times as the Clivus Suburanus, coming onto Piazza Vittorio.
A closed-down shop on Via della Statuto, just off Piazza Vittorio.
A clothes shop on Piazza Vittorio.
The Piazza Vittorio is surrounded on all sides by colonnaded shopping arcades, sheltering visitors from the sun and rain.
The brick structure in Piazza Vittorio has been known since the middle ages as the “Trofei di Mario”, the “Trophies of Marius”, but it’s actually the ruins of the Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus, built in the third century AD. It was an enormous fountain, fed by acquaduct, and a tribute to the nymphs – spirits of rivers and water.
An Indian barber shop just off Piazza Vittorio.